Friday 2 September 2011


Introduction to the styles

DADAISM: Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zurich, Switzerland, during the outbreak of WW1 and peaked from 1916 to 1922. Cultural movement in this case refers to a change in the way people approach art. However, Dadaism itself is like a subset of the Modernist movement. So similarly, it is trying to seek out the underlying fundamentals of art and philosophy. Movement involves visual arts, literature poetry, art manifestoes, art theory - theatre and graphic design.

In 1916, Hugo Ball created the start of this new movement. Hugo Ball is a German writer, if you all know, Germany is involved in the ww1, so he had taken refuge in Switzerland from the war, where they are neutral. So there, he reflected on the state of contemporary art and said this: “ Image of the human form is gradually disappearing from the painting of these times and all objects appear only in fragments..The next step is for poetry to decide to do away with language.” That same year, Ball recited a poem on the stage of a nightspot in Zurich ( Cabaret Voltaire) This nightspot is opened by him and a few of his friends that are also from Switzerland, it is opened as a gathering place for artists and writers. So the poem he wrote began like this:
“gadji beri bimba / glandridi lauli lonni cadori....” It was utter nonsense. That is not french, german or swedish,but it was just gibberish. It is aimed at a public that seemed to be complacent about a senseless war. Although politicians proclaimed the war is of a noble cause, Ball disagreed as he regarded war as “civilized carnage”
If you don’t know what this means, this phrase stands for “civilized slaughter of a great number of people”
Dadaism begins when people:
Concentrate their anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works.
Anti-war politics:
Is an opposition to a particular nation's decision to start an armed conflict, it doesn’t matter if there is a cause behind the war or not. Because it is just opposing all use of military force during conflicts.
Rejects prior definitions of art and questions art in general. However, it rejects only some aspects of art. They may reject based on the consideration of art as being oppressive of a segment of the population.
Because they believe that war is oppressive too.
An Introduction to the art styles of
Heroic realism VS Art Deco

Heroic Realism:
Built upon the Utopian Ideals
Glorification and power of the masses
Angularity of their body and uniform look
Inspired by certain political Inclination
Used mostly for Propaganda posters

Art Deco
Greatly inspired by Geometric Shapes
Cool metallic color schemes
Adopted a minimalistic Abstract and unrealistic look
non- organic, resembling machinery
Used mostly for decorative posters.


Art Deco
Origin of the inspirations of art deco and heroic realism was back in the romantic period 1800. Human forms of political freedom, these are distilled and takes on different forms and types art.
Art Deco and Heroic Realism are basically two sides of the same coin about freedom.
Art deco: freedom to express art purely aesthetically. It is different from every other form of art before it. Heroic realism is all about the freedom from the French revolution. People rallying for something idealistic.

Its because of this that brought them up to today. Greatly influenced by industrialization in America. The invention of automobiles, trains, night life, the glamourous side of life. It is greatly reflected in Art deco work, using non- organic shapes and forms, such as geometrical shapes resembling machinery.  Art deco is heavily stylized, with a sleek aesthetic made out of minimalistic forms and thin lines of cool metallic color schemes.
The popularity of Art Deco rose during the 1920’s the period glamour and luxury. Works of art deco can be seen in many of the decorative posters and advertisements at that time. It sold sex, women, the materialistic culture at that time. The posters were cluttered narcissistic. Art Deco greatly encapsulates the progress and richness that went on in the 1920’s.

Heroic Realism
The paintings done were photo realistic and the content was idealistic. The art of the third reich were differentiated from the first two. They are less geometric, done in a Greece influenced style. The hero portrayed were also muscular and perfectly-proportioned. A popular example of Heroic Realism, Hitler then was not portrayed in that way. This makes them imposing and implies that he has the capabilities to lead everyone into utopia. The style comes from the earlier realism of greek sculpture and paintings where similarly, women are never portrayed. It was all about the muscles and the brawn each person could bring.

Art of the third reich portrayed Militarism. The idea of blood and soil. When theres a leader, there would be obedience due to propaganda.  During the third Reich, Art deco was unknown, there was nothing like it. The portrayal of people in nazi art was romantic, similar to the style then of 1850s. There are almost no similarities to art deco, with not even an inkling of avant-garde about it. The mood was conservative. Exterior form embodying inner interracial ideal . Hitler derided all other forms of art as depraved and uncultured. So it was distorted and make people think the way he wanted them to, despite leading them to a distorted image of reality. It caused the people to become materialistic and degenerate. Titles became very significant. The fruitful land, liberty. And they like to have farmers peasants as the dislike the bourgeois. Rarely show urban life and housing. Depicts sacrifice and victory. See a lot of people effort and you don’t see them smiling. Wanna show you that they are working hard and frowning. Its about effort and struggle. Theres the use of the type fraktur. Most of the artists were never given names. Cause they think it’s a service. Patriotism.

Retro style (contemporary designers reviving art from this period
Heroic realism: Hao Gong Ming textbook
Art deco: olly moss; movie posters

Influences to designers of the period (culture, context, technology, influential world events)

1900s:  Heroic Realism was popularized and surfaced long before art deco. From the 20th century  Heroic realism has its roots from influences from constructivism (Russian soviets) both of them carrying angular schemes. In comparison, Heroic realism is more life like and realistic.

However they are Similar in the concurring use of typography. Constructive : Futura (straight, sans-serif fonts similar as art deco) paired with strong lines and bold geometric shapes.

During the 1910 WWI. Russians against the rest of the world. Russians began to change and evolve. Axis forces began to have to own style (heroic realism) using warm colors and clean lines. People relate these color schemes as glorified,  with a constant backlighting and show its pride and glory. It makes people aspire and subscribe to whatever people are doing in the poster. (propaganda). Making you think that this is utopia.

1920* the world has settled from affects of World War. Germany lost a lot and were impoverished. The surrounding countries were forcing people to pay. France and something are jumping into the opportunity to make them pay. They didn’t feel good about this. 

1920  Art deco introduced. America wasn’t affected remained firm and had their finance and were really prosperous. People were willing to spend because of the economy’s upturn. The was an unquenchable thirst for more luxury, and more materialistic goods. Technology was gaining and the economy only became better and better. Art deco was popularized by decorative poster and advertising that rose with the Jazz influence which was popular at that time.

But when the Great depression hit,  Art Deco disappeared along with the glamour.  Many of the people who were wealthy because they dabbled in the stock market. And everything dropped when the great depression came along. Art Deco faded off when less the people loss the ability to spend frivolously, and they did not wish to be reminded of the luxury that had passed. And art deco became a taboo and phased out.

1930s and 1940s. great depression led to Hitler and rising of ww2. French and British were the better ones. America pushed Germany and took their land. French and British wanted to take over too. America was leading the market and everything, a lot of the Germans were buying into American stock markets and then comes the great depression, things became even worse. Germans looked up to a reformist. They wanted to glory to return to their country. This was when Hitler came to rise. It sounded good to the hungry Germans. He rose through the ranks and became the dictator and third Reich. After he rose, he announced WW2. To reclaim everything.

With war comes heroic realism in its truest form. Oxymoron. Hero = someone that’s larger than life. Realism = bringing something down so that it can be relatable. For the purposes of this wiki, heroic realism refers only to the ones employed by Germans so that its relatable.

When WW2  ended and there was no need for propaganda anymore. There was time of happiness again. Art deco faded away again.

There is almost no link with the two art styles, because they were popularized at two very different  time span and arose at contrasting moments. Art Deco only came when there was good life, the golden period where people had money and lived well. It showed optimism, and faded out when times were tough. Whereas Heroic Realism appears at a time where times are tough, and people search for a leader as a guide. Heroic Realism fades off when times get better and there is no longer a need to rely on a leader. The two art styles have contrasting time waves, and a rarely seen together, but can be traced to an original source holding the same underlying message of liberation.

A Shina, Kai, JL, Clarice collaboration.